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My Blog
Pipe Organs, Politeness, and the Possibility of Change
My downstairs neighbor has been listening to a CD that must be called Sad, White Christians with Pipe Organs, on repeat, almost 24 hours...
Authentically Self-Conscious
Last week, while walking through my neighborhood, I saw a family sitting in their front yard. All of the adults and teens were smiling and..
In Celebration of B. Smith
Going to B. Smiths in downtown Washington, DC, was like a pilgrimage for Howard University students in the early 2000’s. My friends and I wo
Forgive me, Eduardo
A young man on a bike pedaled up to me on a street near Coco Beach in Costa Rica. In broken English, he asked if I was the tourist asking ar
Life Wheels and 2020 Vision
While I try not to wait for the New Year to make resolutions, I do use this season to do personal assessments and goal-setting. For the last
Superwoman's Destiny
In the last few months, as I have been trying to create space in my closets (and mind!), I have come across dozens of poems that I wrote in
The Difference Between Mementos and Random Stuff
My parents, Aubrey and Veronica Wright, would've been married for 42 years on October 15, and were married for 36 years when my father pass
Happy Birthday, Tavara
I have this great memory of me and my childhood friend, Tavara Parks, dancing around her bedroom in our pajamas to the song Last Night by Az
A Taste of Power
As an introvert with an active social life, I am in a constant state of "preparing" for chit chat. Sometimes the preparation is mental (e.g.
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