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Five Passive-Aggressive Things I ALMOST Said on The Subway Today

When an acrobatic dance crew got on my train today, turned on music, and performed a choreographed routine that was timed perfectly for the distance between stations, I remembered that riding the New York City Subway is a bizarre, awful, wonderful experience. That kind of thing happens so often here that I had forgotten that it doesn't happen most other places in the world! For some reason, the hype moves of that top-notch crew prompted me to wonder when I became numb to this strangeness?

Somehow I have become a person that can edit a paper while standing chest-to-chest with a stranger in a crowded subway car. I can eat a sandwich on a subway platform while critters run to and fro just a few feet away. I prioritize flats over heels and I can, without thinking, start holding my breath right before the stench of a "visually smelly" person hits my nostrils! And I, Genia Wright, give accurate subway directions to strangers! That's right, ACCURATE!

Not only have I adapted to subway life, but it has become a part of me. I go boldly to any place in the five boroughs, with minimal prompting or information, knowing for sure that I'll be able to find my way home. I never worry if a great concert is running long because I know the trains run all night.

I wrote the list below in 2015, only a year into my NYC adventure, and long before I stopped noting the wonder of it all. I dug through Facebook to post the list today to remind myself, and you, to seek out special moments in daily life experiences. We can't waste a minute of this life. :)


Genia Wright

The Free Time Aficionado

Five Passive-Aggressive Things I ALMOST Said on The Subway Today

(Originally posted on Facebook on March 31, 2015)

1. Sir, your decision to forego both soap and deodorant is a wonderful celebration of nature! Bravo!

2. It's so great to watch your children run throughout this train car, jumping on people and swinging on poles! It takes a community to fight childhood obesity!

3. Ma'am, your decision to sit right next to me when there are huge blocks of empty seats available is a reminder of the importance of community! Thank you!

4. If your crew had not stepped onto this train, I might've gone the entire day without seeing a dance routine! Whew, that was a close one!

5. You should totally write a book on having courage in the face of adversity. There was clearly no room for you on that bench, and you made it happen anyway! Right on!

Q Train, Church Street Station, NYC, 2019



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