Life Wheels and 2020 Vision
While I try not to wait for the New Year to make resolutions, I do use this season to do personal assessments and goal-setting. For the last 2 years, my annual routine has had 3 components: a life wheel, a vision statement, and a list of priorities.
A life wheel is circle cut into slices, like a pie, and each slice represents a component of your life. In the example linked here, the slices are Career, Health, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Self-Care, Romance/Significant Other, Friends & Family, and Finances. To complete the wheel, you would indicate your level of satisfaction in each area on a scale from 1-10. So, if you rate the state of your Career as a 10, and the state of your Health as a 5, you would shade the entire pie slice for Career, and half the pie slice for Health.
I love the Life Wheel exercise because it is a great way to challenge yourself to be honest about where you are in life, and it gives you a great visual to help determine where you need to focus your personal development efforts! After I have a sense of what is keeping my wheel from being completely round, I spend time journaling about what is working and not working in each of the categories to determine how I want to prioritize my energy in the coming year. Then, it’s time for the best part: I envision how my life will look a year later and create a vision board full of phrases, images, and checklists that will keep these things are the forefront of my mind throughout the year.
Below you will find an actual example of a priority list and vision statement that I created at the beginning of 2016. I am very proud to say that I honored that list of priorities and was definitely able to reap the rewards in 2017. As you might’ve guessed by now, my “2019 Priorities and 2020 Vision” included this blog and, here we are! #manifest
For my 2020 Priorities list, I am taking it to the next level! It’s time to articulate SMART Goals (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timebound) rather than just areas of priority! I’m also moving beyond a vision board to a business plan. Let’s go!
Genia Wright, Free Time Aficionado
2016 Priorities and 2017 Vision
In 2017, Genia can be described in one word: fabulous. She is focused on personal growth, nurturing her family and friends, and strengthening her community.
For herself, she prioritizes wellness. She is mindful of her heart and energy at all times, ensuring peace and joy follow her into every room. She looks for opportunities to learn new things and works hard to master the things she loves. Despite her busy schedule as a business owner, author and community organizer, Genia maintains a strict regimen of physical exercise and beauty maintenance. She surrounds herself with beautiful people, things and experiences, always focused on living each day fully and without regret.
Genia wakes each morning happy and proud. Happy because she has the life she dreamed of, and proud because, in 2016, she did what was necessary to make it happen:
Health and Wellness
Nutrition - energizing, balanced diet
Fitness - committed regiment
Positive Thinking - meditation, "success" training
Beauty - personal, home, office
Personal Development
Explore Potential Hobbies
Expand knowledge of Geography
Expand knowledge of History
Business and Entrepreneurship
Publish articles in professional journals
Submit book idea for publication
Reinvigorate Small Business
Maintain Web Presence: Scandalous Scandal Recap
Interpersonal Relationships
Proactive romantic social life
Expand and Leverage Professional networks
Expand personal circle of girlfriends "quality women"
Community Investment
Join Nonprofit Board
Monthly Community Service Hours
Highlight Kwanzaa principles on an ongoing basis