Phoenix Anthology - Volume Two
Songs selected by Charee Grover and Monique Pattillo, Fictional narrative by Genia Wright
Chapter 1: Realization
She put on her sunglasses, lifted the manila envelope from the desk, and stood to leave. “Thank you,” she said and walked out of the office. She sat in her car in the parking lot behind the inconspicuous building for several minutes, staring blankly ahead. Her husband had a mistress and a 2-year old daughter living across town and, thanks to the private investigator, she now had the pictures to prove it.
How would she handle this? A DEAR JOHN letter? Nah – that would be the coward’s way out and she was no coward. She was a FIGHTER and needed to confront him, needed to see his face when she said, “you’re caught.” She picked up her blackberry and made two calls: the locksmith and her attorney.
Chapter Two: Confirmation
An hour later, she stood on the porch of her husband’s secret home staring into the face of a frightened young woman holding a toddler. “You recognize me. Don’t be scared; I won’t BUST YOUR WINDOWS or burn the place down. After all, I’ll own it in a few months.”
After a pause for effect, she continued. “Since I’m almost old enough to be your mother, I just thought I’d stop by with a little advice: don’t continue to let him use you. I know he pays your bills but, SO WHAT! He is a WOMANIZER! Your daughter is almost old enough to understand that her father doesn’t love you. Grow up and WALK AWAY. Trust me; if he WASN'T MAN ENOUGH to be faithful to a woman like me, you have no hope. I plan to confront him in about four hours - I suggest you use that time to clean out this house and your joint account. I’m sure you’ll do the right thing.” Walking away, she thought, “She’ll wake up. We’ll both be SINGLE LADIES by nightfall.”
Chapter Three: Confrontation
At his office that evening, she placed a photograph of his mistress on his desk and asked, “WHO IS SHE TO YOU?” She laid down a second picture. “And who lives in this house?” Laying down the third picture, she said, “she’s a beautiful child, we met earlier.” He sat in stunned silence. Something on a nearby bookcase caught her eye. “Oh, look! A picture from our vacation in Colorado. I’m sure you won’t mind if I take this - another PICTURE TO BURN.”
As she turned to leave, he ran up behind her and grabbed her arm, sputtering threats, excuses, and promises. She yanked her arm from his grasp and said, “THERE YOU GO lying again. SHUT UP, AND LET ME GO.” The show is over, dear. TAKE A BOW.”
Click here to check out Phoenix Anthology - Volume One and look forward to Volume 3 on on November 24th!