Scientific Procrastination
I have tons of ideas for future Free Time Aficionado adventures! Examples include parasailing in Miami, taking a hockey lesson in Canada, deep-sea fishing in Hawaii, and weaving textiles in Peru. I have even started watching YouTube videos about knitting! I'm open to most new experiences, and, with one exception, I have received great suggestions from friends and Freetimers (people that follow me on social media)!
That one exception is <insert foreboding music> skydiving. Why would I assume all of the risks that come along with a jump from a plane 10,000 ft above the earth to experience a 30-45 second freefall? I don't understand it…or maybe it is more accurate to say that I don't completely understand it. After two months of investigation, I can admit that I kinda' get it.
I have been engaged in a scientific study called, Would I enjoy Tandem Skydiving? My hypothesis was, "hell no, fool!" But, after 3 experiments, my results seem to read, "maybe."
Flying a Plane. I wanted to get a sense of what the world looked like from about 10,000 feet, especially from the kind of small plane used for some skydiving, so I signed up for a flight lesson in Long Island, NY! I went up in the air with a certified instructor and always felt safe – there were 2 throttles so the instructor could take over at any time if needed. I flew the plane solo, over scenic land and water, for about 18 minutes, and it was exhilarating! I did leave the experience wondering what it would be like to have that view and not have the comforting safety and control of the throttle, dashboard of buttons, and metal "walls."
Ziplining & 30 Foot Free-Fall Quick Jump. While in Costa Rica last week, I made sure to visit an Adventure Park to go Ziplining! We glided at about 50 kilometers per hour on steel cables extending over 180 meters and 4500 feet above the ocean. The views were breathtaking. For each of the 5 lines, you had about a minute of flying through the air. The hardest part for me was jumping off each of the decks – it took an inordinate amount of time, screaming, and pep talks from instructors for my first 2 jumps, but I felt and fared better for the last 3. It was so hard for me to get over the emotional barrier of jumping from the deck! When I finally did figure out how to overcome that fear, I was able to enjoy the flying experience much more. I know that I'll need to be intentional about managing that anxiety if I decide to go skydiving.
Indoor Skydiving. Yesterday, I went to upstate New York to go indoor skydiving, a simulation of the free-fall portion of regular skydiving! They promised an experience that would be safe and involve no actual jumping or falling, and they delivered! I suited up, completed training, and then a certified instructor joined me in the vertical wind tunnel to ensure a smooth takeoff and overall experience for each of my four 60-second flights. The novelty of the experience made it fun – the wind pressure was really intense, and controlling my body was much harder than I expected. If I go back, it will be for the challenge of advancing my skill in body control – the instructors could navigate the wind tunnel like acrobats or dancers!
Like I said earlier, these experiments did answer some key questions, but I am still not sure that the risk/fun ratio makes sense for me. I do know that I was able to be more "present" during the experiments because of the comfort of having expert instructors nearby. So, if I do go skydiving, I know it will be tandem skydiving!
I am trying to think of other experiments (aka ways for me to procrastinate in making this decision), but I'm coming up empty. LOL! Let me know if you have any ideas! And, if you have been tandem skydiving, please drop me a line to tell me about your experience!
Oy vey…
Genia Wright, Free Time Aficionado
